The Healing Touch of Bees

My mother has years of experience with bee therapy. She has found that bee stings made her more mobile in spite of her MS, and they also help with arthritis and other conditions related to inflammation. She is a member of the American Apitherapy Society, which studies and promotes honey bee products for health benefits. She recommends having EpiPens in any house where bees are present, to provide an antidote to any severe reactions.

I used my new Canon Elura 100 camcorder to record this seven-minute interview with Mom in the kitchen of the Maine cottage. The results were markedly better in iMovie compared with the Pentax Optio 5 si, but by the time the video was uploaded to Hipcast and YouTube, the improvement is not so dramatic. I'm still experimenting...

This is the YouTube link.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

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