91 Chasing William James

Robert D. Richardson, author of William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism, did a reading tonight at the Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, Mass. He was gracious enough to answer a couple of questions for me on camera before the reading began.

I am just finishing up James's The Varieties of Religious Experience, so I was excited to see that James's latest biographer was going to be in town. My plan is to complete an Audio Pod Chronicles book report on The Varieties Friday. So this wil be all-William James week.

Richardson made clear the variety in James's own career, which spanned science, teaching, and philosophy, as well as a famous family that included the novelist Henry James, one of my favorites.

Cambridge is great for these kinds of events, and the ghosts of the subjects are all around us as we remember them and ponder their insights.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

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