The Roastee Responds

Roasted and toasted, I offered these few remarks at the end of last night's tribute in Casper.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Roasted by Gov Dave

Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal remembered my, ahem, good old days in the Cowboy State during a tribute in Casper for my service as a trustee of the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF.) The event coincided with our WESTAF meeting in Casper, and last night's dinner was graciously hosted by former first lady Jane Sullivan in her home. Ambassador Sullivan was in Ireland, no doubt sorry to miss the fun. The current first lady, Nancy, kept Dave in line and added her own kind observations.

By some gremlin of the M-Audio device, the comments of other rosters, including a luminous tribute by my friend Kes Woodward that brought me to the edge of tears, were lost. No matter, the words and the evening are safely stored on the CF card of my heart.

Hoffman Tidbits

I'm in the San Francisco Airport with just a few more minutes to upload this brief interview last night at dinner with four fellow travelers at the Hoffman Process just concluded in St. Helena, California. We were 28 intrepid adventurers working our way to the light as best we could for a week. I took the photo yesterday in the woods around the White Sulphur Hot Springs Inn where the process unfolded.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

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