44 Bryan Person in Person

Bryan Person in the past two years has become a very busy man in the social media space. In addition to his day job at Monster, he tends a podcast and a blog, and he has created a Social Media Breakfast series in Boston, with associated breakfasts in several other cities. I visited Bryan this week at Monster's sprawling facilities in an old mill in Maynard, Massachusetts. In addition to a one-minute pitch for Twitter, he offered useful tips for social media newcomers on how to get started, a potential pitfall, and details of the Social Media Breakfast he will host with Jeff Pulver on April 1, 2008 at 8 a.m. at the S & S Restaurant, 1334 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Mass.

Music for this episode is "Ouray" by Andy McKee from his "Gates of Gnomeria" CD, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

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