The place looks fabulous. Francoise took very good care of our home while she was here and left lavender gifts in the bedroom, several new CDs in my study, and a supply of good books in French. Darlene and I lucked out on our 10-hour flight from Heathrow to Denver, getting upgraded to roomier Business Class. We watched “Sense and Sensibility” and a couple of other movies. It’s 6 am tomorrow morning in Cannes, so this is a discombobulated eight-time-zone night when I won’t attempt to sum up our five-week sojourn, except to say we are very grateful to Francoise for swapping homes with us, and that we are already looking ahead to a longer stay in France next year.
[As this concludes the Cannes Chronicles, I'd like to ask for any feedback from readers that might be helpful for future Chronicles, either as comments here or in an e-mail to .]
[As this concludes the Cannes Chronicles, I'd like to ask for any feedback from readers that might be helpful for future Chronicles, either as comments here or in an e-mail to .]
Darlene stepping down a narrow street this afternoon in the old city of Mougins.
Monday, October 11, 2004
We took a bus to see the nearby old city of Mougins this afternoon, after packing most of the morning and putting things back where we found them in Francoise’s apartment. When I cleared the desk in her room five weeks ago, I made notes that the TV goes on the right side, the printer on the left, and the photos of her son Alexandre go on the mantel. Gradually, over time, the initial feeling of visiting in someone else’s home faded away and this elegant space began to feel like our home. Tomorrow morning Francoise is bringing croissants and will help take us to the airport at Nice for the trips home to Omaha for Deb and to Denver for Darlene and me. Meanwhile, I’ve got a few more things to pack…
A train waits to depart the Toulouse station this afternoon. After a four-and-a-half-hour trip, our train pulled into Cannes this evening three minutes late. During the ride, I finished Lord Jim, Darlene read a mystery and slept, and Deb worked on embroidery and slept. Our rail passes are all used up; Zut!