This is Not the Zen Center
This afternoon I recycled some Christmas money (thanks, Mom!) into an M-Audio Microtrack 24/96 , a high-quality digital recorder for podcasts. I found one available at the Guitar Center on Colorado Boulevard, a place I didn't know existed. What a zoo of sound! Music was playing overhead, customers were strumming guitars and other instruments everywhere, and every now and then a voice would come over the intercom saying, "Howard, call Drums." Darlene lasted about five minutes before retreating to the car while I made the purchase and then ran into a guy I know from a much quieter place, the Zen Center of Denver. Jim Hubbell was playing some impressive riffs on an electric guitar, trying out a new pedal. Once I figured out where I knew him from, we chatted a bit, and noted the recent passing of another Zen friend's wife, Geri.
Back home, everything looked great with the new recorder, except that the stereo microphone was missing. So I will have to wait a few days for a new one to arrive. The salesman, Brandon, in photo at right, is an assistant manager who has only worked at the store nine months, but when I called him back he was very helpful with the problem. If he can avoid going deaf, I see a fine career ahead for him, partly because of his 100-watt smile.